TOS 16 SC, 16 Way PLC Splitter SC/APC
Product Number: 307906
The optical splitter uses a planar light wave circuit (PLC) based on silica optical waveguide technology. It features small size, high reliability, wide operating wavelength range and good channel-to-channel uniformity.
The splitter circuit is packaged in a plastic cassette and are terminated with SC/APC connectors. The cassette can be mounted:
- on the wall
- in 19" 3HU rack
- in TRIAX Fibre Distribution Cabinet TOS-Cab16 (307910) or TOS-Cab32 (307911)
The TOS xxSC splitters are recommanded for optical signal distribution in:
- FTTX systems
- PON networks
- CATV and SAT-IF fibre links
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